Општи информации - 3 - зонирање

Zoning of the Park

For the protection of natural values and the promotion of economic development, 4 zones have been defined in the park:

  • Strict Protection Zone (26.56%) - represents an area of the highest interest for protection, primarily with original and unchanged characteristics of the ecosystems. In this zone, the human influence will have to be reduced to a minimum, therefore no interventions are allowed. The zone of strict protection is divided into 5 units: Ljuboten, Bistrica, Kobilica, Leshnica and Mazdraca. 
  • Active Management Zone (49.06%) - an area of high interest for protection in which management interventions are needed for the purpose of restoration and maintenance, revitalization or rehabilitation of habitats, ecosystems and other elements of the landscape. It includes the regions for traditional grazing and the significant forest ecosystems of Shar Mountain.
  • Sustainable Development Zone (22.02%) - includes infrastructure facilities, cultural heritage facilities, forest types that are influenced by human activities and mountain settlements with surrounding agricultural land. In this zone, the use of natural resources is allowed in a way that does not threaten the survival of species and their habitats.
  • Buffer Zone (2.37%) - created around the existing infrastructure of the tourist settlement Popova Shapka and the potential development area of the ski center. The buffer zone foresees measures that will control and reduce the effect of economic activities in the park.