Услуги - 1 Лов
With the declaration of the area as a National Park, PINP Sar Mountain is the responsible authority for the protection and management of wild animals, including sanitary shooting. Hunting is strictly prohibited on the entire territory of the park.
Interventions are allowed only in the Active Management and Sustainable Use zones, in the form of sanitary and selective shooting, exclusively in case of diseases or to control the number of wild animals that can cause damage to agricultural land and villages.
Услуги - 2 Риболов
Fishing is only allowed on rivers in the sustainable use zone and only on the principle of catching and releasing fish back into the rivers alive and unharmed. Bringing fish into the rivers and lakes of the Sar Mountain National Park is prohibited.
Услуги - 3 Габи
Collecting wild plants and fungi
On the territory of the Sar Mountain National Park there are at least 51 species of plants and a large number of fungi that can be collected for commercial purposes. Among the most used species are: blueberry, Sharmountain tea, juniper, chestnut, St. John's wort, thyme, yarrow and foxglove.
Wild plants and fruits are collected for personal use and for commercial purposes. Collection for personal use up to 1 kg per person can be done without a permit in all 3 protection zones. When collecting for commercial purposes, a collection permit from the management authority is mandatory, and collection is allowed only in the Sustainable Use zone and Active Management zone.
Услуги - 4 Огрев
Fire wood
Forests are one of the most important resources from which we have economic, social and environmental benefits. In mountain villages, wood is mostly used for firewood and as a building material. State-owned forests are managed by the Public Institution National Park Sar Mountain, while private forests are managed by their owners. The forests located in the park will be able to be used based on pre-defined criteria and forest management plans as well as a defined regime by zones.