Call for Ideas for involving the business community in the protection of the National Park "Shar Mountain"


Are you passionate about conservation and eager to impact our planet positively? Do you have an innovative idea that can contribute to the sustainability of the Shar Mountain National Park? We invite you to participate in our mission to safeguard Shar Mountain’s natural treasures. 

The entity managing this Call for Ideas:

Public Institution Shar Mountain National Park, with address at Njegosheva 3, Tetovo, in North Macedonia, is the author and the management entity of this Call for Ideas.

Background about the importance of Shar Mountain National Park:

Shar Mountain is a large high-mountain massif that stretches along the border area between North Macedonia and Kosovo. The area of Shar Mountain is a European biodiversity hotspot with extraordinary natural values. After several decades of waiting, on June 30 2021, the Assembly of Republic of North Macedonia declared, part of the Shar Mountain a National Park, with over 75% of the territory under a high degree of protection fulfilling IUCN nature conservation standards.  

This brand new protected area spans on more than 62,705 hectares, rich in forests, grasslands, glacial lakes, watercourses and diverse geomorphology. The region is characterized by high mountains whose peaks easily exceed 2,500 meters, with Titov Vrv being the highest peak, located at 2,748 meters above sea level. But above all, Shar Mountain National Park is Europe’s vital sanctuary for biodiversity, preserving a mosaic of ecosystems and species essential for the ecological balance in the Balkan’s.

The significance of preserving the Shar Mountain National Park cannot be overstated. Beyond its intrinsic value, it offers tangible benefits to local regions, such as 27 villages with about 17,000 inhabitants living in the park, by providing vital ecosystem services, such as clean water provision, carbon sequestration, and soil fertility, ensuring our well-being and survival.

The primary objective of the park is preservation of the existing natural values, improving the well-being of the people living in the park, as well as providing economic benefits in multiple sectors.

The long-term vision in the National Park is to support all forms of tourism that have a low impact on the environment, as well as maintaining a balance between mass and alternative tourism. Alternative forms of tourism such as adventure, rural, nature-based tourism, geo-tourism and wildlife watching are becoming increasingly popular. Support for the development of any of the alternative forms of tourism will be beneficial for improving the livelihood opportunities of the local population and will reduce the pressure from tourism through its equal distribution throughout the territory.

Threats to the Shar Mountain National Park:

The Shar Mountain National Park faces an array of threats that are compromising its integrity and diminishing its biodiversity. Due to changes in traditional ways of life in the region, the Shar Mountains have come under greater anthropogenic pressure. This causes numerous threats that can lead to the degradation or destruction of all natural values. The following main threats are endangering Shar Mountain biodiversity existence:

  • Unsustainable development of touristic activities with high impact on the environment, causing negative effects on habitats and ecosystems;
  • Illegal use of the natural resources, primarily forests, wildlife, water, non-timber forest products to generate income;
  • Pollution from insufficient waste management and wastewater treatment;
  • Loss of biodiversity, landscape values and pollution from unregulated building, and construction of infrastructure (construction of roads, houses, restaurants and other touristic infrastructure, etc);
  • Abandonment of traditional land use practices leading to loss of biodiversity.

The goal of this Call for Ideas:

The threats and maintenance costs of Shar Mountain National Park far exceed the current funding levels, necessitating innovative approaches to mitigate threats without relying solely on traditional cost-intensive methods. There is a critical need for ideas that can reduce these threats while circumventing the conventional approach to costs or generate new revenue streams that can be used to reduce the threats.

Community engagement is pivotal, serving as a cornerstone in this process by harnessing collective wisdom and bringing diverse ideas to the forefront of solutions. We believe that collaborative initiatives involving governments, NGOs, and local communities can foster innovative solutions for sustainable resource management.

This call for ideas is split into two categories:

Priority Ideas: Ideas that can mitigate the main threats to the Shar Mountain National Park identified above in “Threats to the Shar Mountain National Park”.

Global Ideas: Ideas that can fit in one of the following sub-categories:

  1. Ideas that can mitigate other threats that are not categorized as main threats
  2. Ideas that can generate new revenue streams inside the Shar Mountain National Park
  3. Other ideas that can contribute to the well-being of the population or to improve biodiversity without necessarily generating revenues

The ideas can range from nature-based solutions, technological innovations, community engagement strategies, sustainable tourism initiatives, or any other concept that contributes to stopping the spread of the threats, enhancing the preservation and sustainable use of our natural resources, or ultimately generating new revenue streams.

Who can participate?

There are no restrictions for anyone (individual or organization) to participate in this Call for Ideas, even if their origin is outside our region/country. We encourage submissions from diverse backgrounds and industries.

Are there restrictions on the number of ideas per submission?

Each Idea submission must be done separately. If anyone has more than one idea, then it requires several submissions.

Are there costs or rewards for the submission of ideas?

There are no costs involved in any idea submission. There are no financial rewards for submitting any ideas. Unless the idea’s author does not consent, there will be a thank you page on the website, thanking and listing all participants on this call. Some of the best ideas and their authors (if they consent to) may be highlighted in press material or other ways.   

Intellectual property rights:

All ideas submitted to the Call for Ideas will become the property of the Public Institution Shar Mountain National Park, and authors relinquish any intellectual property rights or claims to compensation related to those submissions.

Why to participate?

There are three main reasons for anyone to participate:

●     Impact: Make a meaningful contribution to the biodiversity and conservation of the Shar Mountain National Park. Improve the lives of current and future generations

●     Visibility: Showcase your idea

●     Involvement: In case your idea is selected, you can eventually be invited to its implementation

How to Apply:

To apply, please fill out the application form at 

Selection Process:

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts in conservation, business, and sustainability based on the positive impact on biodiversity and population, feasibility, and financial return.

Important Dates:

●     Application Deadline: 26.10.2024

●     Announcement of selected ideas: 08.11.2024

Ideas for future businesses in the Shar Mountain National Park:

Guided eco-tours

Wildlife/Nature photography tours

Nature hiking and trekking (including competitions)

Wildlife and nature interpretation programs

Geo-tourism and Geology Exploration tours that highlight unique rock formations, geological processes, and natural landmarks, educating visitors about the geological history of protected area

Stargazing and astronomy tours

Nature-themed yoga and meditation retreats in nature

Forest bathing and wellness retreats

Bioacoustics guided tours that focus on the unique soundscape of protected areas, utilizing bioacoustics technology to explore and appreciate the natural sounds produced by wildlife

Camping and glamping experiences

Environmental education and awareness programs

Nature-inspired art and crafts workshops

Eco-friendly lodging and accommodations

Ecotourism transportation services (e.g., electric vehicles, bicycles)

Wildlife art exhibitions and galleries (outdoor)

Nature-inspired music and performing arts events

Outdoor adventure sports (rock climbing, zip-lining, etc.)

Low-impact outdoor event organization

Wildlife and nature-themed escape rooms

Nature-inspired restaurant or café with local, organic cuisine

Outdoor team-building and leadership development programs

Ecological and wildlife-themed virtual reality experiences

Virtual Reality Nature Experiences that allow individuals to explore and learn about the natural world even not visiting physically it

Organize high-end mobile lunches in the middle of the nature (e.g.

Nature-inspired Culinary Experiences with local chefs and food experts to develop sustainable, locally sourced menus that display the unique flavors and ingredients found within protected areas

Nature Conservation Games: Develop interactive and educational games that raise awareness about conservation challenges and encourage players to make environmentally conscious decisions


Organic farming and agriculture (e.g. tea)

Collect and sell forest residues (e.g. to be sold to pellets factories)

Sustainable bee product production (honey, beeswax, propolis)


Herbal medicine production and sales

Sustainable handicraft production using natural materials

Wildlife jewelry production (if doesn't harm the protected area)

Sustainable firewood (pellets, charcoal...) production and sales


Wildlife rehabilitation centers (supported by donations, paying visitors, zoos and other related entities)

Wildlife and nature-themed documentaries or films

Wildlife and nature-themed publications (books, magazines, guides)

Wildlife and nature-themed board games or mobile apps


For more information:

For more information, please get in touch with